Hey, I’m Justin Thomas! I’m developing habits to be a healthy provider for my family and businesses. I share my insights to help first-time entrepreneurs have a successful business and a healthy life.

I’m an experienced entrepreneur and business operator, MBA grad, author, podcaster, and board-certified health coach. Explore below to see all my work and thanks for stopping by!

Building Healthy Businesses & a Healthy Lifestyle.

You may have heard of the Bible verse, “To whom much is given, much is required?” This quote resonates with me as I feel God has given me a lot. From a positive attitude, high energy, and incredible opportunities. I almost need to share my journey to help other consultants, coaches, business operators, and entrepreneurs. I thought offering some courses and coaching around business and health would be helpful based on my professional and personal experiences. My four active businesses are listed here in alphabetical order: dooable health™, Bull Benefits, The CL Thomas Fellowship non-profit, and this coaching site, The Healthy Provider. And, oh yeah, sprinkle in running a 100-mile race as well. It’s fun learning and sharing. Below is more about the businesses I am currently working on. If you want to read more about me, head on over here, to learn more.

What I’m Working On

Here are the businesses I am a partner in or co-founded:

  1. dooable health™: An employee health and wellness company. We help employees conquer stress and live well by providing live masterclasses, personalized health coaching, and more. I currently serve as President and was invited to the leadership team by the two physician co-founders.

  2. Bull Benefits: An employee benefits consulting agency. We help business owners offer more direct healthcare plans to their staff and specialize in self-insured health plans. This is a spin-off business from dooable health™. I am a co-founder and a licensed health and life producer in the state of NC.

  3. The Healthy Provider: My personal coaching business where I partner with a small group of entrepreneurs and small business owners to help them grow their business while creating a healthy lifestyle.

  4. The CL Thomas Fellowship: A Christian non-profit that provides resources to help people provide for themselves and serve others in fun ways like Jesus. We have a weekly podcast, newsletter, and small groups that are all part of the ministry. I am a co-founder, podcast host, and small group leader.

Always Keep Growing….and running (in my case).

I am not only trying to build healthy businesses, but I’m also trying to develop a healthy lifestyle! I’ve gotten into endurance running and have completed a couple of 100 mile, 50 mile, and marathon distance races. As a National Board Certified Health Coach, I am usually experimenting and learning how to improve my athletic performance as well as longevity.

Work Featured In

I was able to speak candidly and openly about my personal vision. Justin helped me to create goals and more importantly draw insights throughout the process.”

Neal Noland

“Justin is always positive. I admire it and it also makes me kind of sick, but I keep being drawn to him to see what he’ll inspire me to do next.”

Rick Echols

I experienced a fundamental shift around my desire and vision for my future health. I feel like I can take that and actually operationalize it after my coaching sessions.”

Justin Adams